P275NL1 Sac Fiyatlar? P275NL1 Sac Fiyatlar?, çe?itli faktörlere ba?l? olarak de?i?mektedir. Bu faktörler ?unlard?r: Sac?n Kal?nl???: Sac ne kadar kal?nsa, o kadar pahal? olur. Bunun sebebi, daha fazla hammadde ve i? gücü gerektirmesidir. Sac?n Ebatlar?: Özel kesim ebatlar, standart ebatlara göre daha pahal? olabilir. Bunun sebebi, özel kesim ebatlar?n üretim sürecinin daha karma??k olmas?d?r. Sipari? […]
DD11 Asitli Sac Fiyatlar? DD11 asitli sac fiyatlar?, Fiyatlar, ton baz?nda KDV hariç olarak verilmi?tir. Kal?nl?k (mm) Fiyat Aral??? (TL/kg) 1,50 25,00 TL – 29,00 TL 2,00 22,50 TL – 28,00 TL 3,00 22,50 TL – 28,00 TL 4,00 22,50 TL – 28,00 TL 5,00 22,50 TL – 28,00 TL 6,00 22,50 TL – 28,00 […]
S420MC Sac Fiyatlar? S420MC Sac Fiyatlar?, Avrupa standartlar?na göre üretilen dü?ük karbonlu, yüksek mukavemetli bir çeliktir. Fiyatlar, sac kal?nl???na, sipari? miktar?na ve di?er faktörlere göre de?i?iklik gösterebilir. Ortalama Fiyat Aral??? (USD/kg): Kal?nl?k (mm) Yakla??k Fiyat Aral??? (USD/kg) Geni?lik (mm) Uzunluk (mm) 4 700 USD – 950 USD 1500 3000 5 700 USD – 950 USD […]
Galvanized Sheet Galvanized Sheet is anti-corrosive. Coated with zinc to protect It is sheet steel. Galvanized sheet metal coated with zinc by dipping or electrolysis method is used in many different applications such as roofs, fences, gutters, garage doors, white goods and automotive. It is used in the field. Advantages of Galvanized Sheet: Against rusting. It is durable: Galvanized sheet, zinc against rusting. due to its natural resistance It is long lasting. It is economical: Other corrosion inhibitor […]
Corrugated Sheet Prices? Corrugated sheet prices may vary depending on the thickness, form, material, color and brand of the sheet. The prices given in this table are average prices and may vary depending on current market conditions. Prices exclude VAT. General Information: Corrugated sheet prices are given on a square meter basis. The most common forms of corrugated sheets? They are 27/200, 30/200, 40/200 and 45/200. The most common form of corrugated sheets […]
Boiler Sheets? Boiler sheets are steel sheets used in boiler manufacturing. Usually hot liquids? They are used in carrying boilers. Boiler plates, high strength and durability. They are known for. Boiler sheets? different? It can be produced in different thicknesses and sizes. The most commonly used thicknesses are between 3 mm and 100 mm. The most commonly used dimensions are 1500 mm x 6000 mm. Boiler sheets?, usually black sheet […]
S355J0 – Special Steel Quality Equivalent: Offering an ideal solution for industrial sectors, S355J0 is durable. and attracts attention with its excellent mechanical properties.
S235JR Çelik kalitesi muadili: Endüstriyel uygulamalar için mükemmel bir seçenek. Güçlü ve dayan?kl? malzeme arayanlar için ideal tercih!
S420MC Steel: High quality and durable. S420MC, a material, offers a reliable option in various industrial applications.
JIS G 3125-2005 çelik kalitesi muadili: En güncel ve kapsaml? tablo! Hangi çeli?in yerine kullanabilece?inizi h?zl?ca ö?renin.